13. 1. 2020Published by Marek Šoltys at 13. 1. 2020Categories NewsNová Paka: 14 and 15 January closed for illnessDear clients, due to illness our clinic in Nová Paka will be closed on 14th and 15th of January. We are still available in Jičín and […]
24. 10. 2019Published by Marek Šoltys at 24. 10. 2019Categories NewsChange in opening hours at Jičín clinicDear customers, starting from 4th of November 2019, the opening hours at the Jičín clinic will change during weekdays to 8 AM – 7 PM. The […]
19. 12. 2018Published by Marek Šoltys at 19. 12. 2018Categories NewsOpening hours during the Christmas holidaysOur clinic in Jičín will be open also during the Christmas holidays. The clinic in Nová Paka will be open only during regular work-days. Opening hours: